Mini Review

Analysis Reimbursement & Public Spending Polices for Immunological Diseases at Law and Middle Income Countries


Abdalla Abotaleb*

WHO Project Manager, Health Care Reforming Expert, Egypt

Received Date: 12/06/2020; Published Date: 06/07/2020


*Corresponding author: Abdalla Abotaleb, WHO Project Manager, Health Care Reforming Expert, Egypt

 DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2020.02.000052

Cite this article: Abdalla Abotaleb, Analysis Reimbursement & Public Spending Polices for Immunological Diseases at Law and Middle Income Countries. Op Acc J Bio Sci & Res 2(5)-2020.


Selecting the right patient for the right treatment with efficient cost is the main goal for effective health system

Immunological diseases specially (ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis)

Are characterized with significant impact on quality of life, mobility young age groups chronicity and of course high cost of treatment especially with new innovative treatments like Biological products and others. The main objectives for this research is analysis of reimbursement & public spending polices for immunological diseases at law and middle income countries. Including (Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Jordan, Kenia, Iraq, Turkey) 

        Methods: Integration between A systematic literature reviews & analysis for Local guidelines.

Interviews  was conducted with Key stock holders for health system in previous countries those stock holders included physicians, clinical pharmacist, Representors   of patient's groups, payers, service providers using questionnaire as a survey tool for interview. Public expenditures descriptive analysis   for previous diseases was conducted.

       Results: The analysis founded that conducting & implementation of   guidelines based on minimizing expenditures ( 70 % of cases ) price for treatment playing  major role for selection ( 74 % of cases ) clinical significance and differences   for innovative products was absent for stockholders concept ( 60  % ) relapse rates . Modifications of disease pattern   was increased (51 % of cases) public expenditures was increased significantly at 45 % including( consequences  for treatment frailer, disability  & low quality of life  )  of cases of cases not a result for number of patients, quality of life was decreased with 52 % of cases. Reimbursement & public spending polices for immunological diseases need effective reforming this reforming must take into considerations the following concepts (clinical values, Economic values .quality of life).

Conclusion: Reimbursement & public spending polices for immunological diseases need effective reforming this reforming must take into considerations the following concepts (clinical values, Economic values .quality of life)


Selecting the right patient for the right treatment with efficient cost is the main goal for effective health system Immunological diseases specially (ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis). Are characterized with significant impact on quality of life, mobility young age groups chronicity and of course high cost of treatment especially with new innovative treatments like Biological products and others. The main objectives for this research is analysis of reimbursement & public spending polices for immunological diseases at law and middle income countries. Including (Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Jordan, Kenia, Iraq, Turkey) (Figure 1-7).

Figure 1: The net % increase/year of the incidence and prevalence of autoimmune diseases worldwide.

Figure 2: (A): The net % year increases of diseases categories. (B): The Table below is detailing the different diseases and countries surveyed.

Figure 3: The Geoepideomolgy of the net increase % Year of autoimmune diseases.

Figure 4: Incidence and prevalence and correlations with YLDs.

Figure 5: Data Validity Analysis.

Figure 6: Data Validity Analysis.

Figure 7: Treatment Analysis.

Materials and Methods

Integration between A systematic literature reviews & analysis for Local guidelines. Interviews  was conducted with Key stock holders for health system in previous countries those stock holders included physicians, clinical pharmacist, Representors   of patient's groups, payers, service providers using questionnaire as a survey tool for interview. Public expenditures descriptive analysis   for previous diseases was conducted [1-8].


This study are trying to find an answer about how health policy for immunological diseases are developed and impact of efficient treatment polices  on patients outcomes plus public spending.


The analysis founded that conducting & implementation of   guidelines based on minimizing expenditures (70% of cases) price for treatment playing  major role for selection ( 74% of cases) clinical significance and differences   for innovative products was absent for stockholders concept ( 60 % ) relapse rates . Modifications of disease pattern   was increased (51% of cases) public expenditures was increased significantly at 45 % including( consequences  for treatment frailer, disability  & low quality of life)  of cases of cases not a result for number of patients, quality of life was decreased with 52 % of cases.


The analysis founded that conducting & implementation of   guidelines based on minimizing expenditures (77 % of cases) price for treatment playing  major role for selection (85% of cases) clinical significance and differences   for innovative products was absent for stockholders concept (71%) relapse rates . Modifications of disease pattern   was increased (61% of cases) public expenditures was increased significantly at 51 %  including( consequences  for treatment frailer, disability  & low quality of life)  of cases of cases not a result for number of patients, quality of life was decreased with 61 % of cases.


Reimbursement & public spending polices for immunological diseases need effective reforming this reforming must take into considerations the following concepts (clinical values, Economic values .quality of life).


Mechanical ventilators control either gas flow (volume control) or airway pressure (pressure control) for the inspiratory period. Dual control modes are designed to combine the constant minute ventilation of volume control ventilation and the fast variable current advantages of pressure control ventilation. All dual control modes provide pressure controlled breath using pressure limit and descending flow model. The volume produced varies depending on the patient's effort and pulmonary impedance. In the dual control mode, unlike the pressure control mode, the output is changed according to the measured input (volume). Dual control modes can be patient or time triggered, current or time cycled.


Dual Control modes allow you to set the volume target while the ventilator is pressure controlled breathing. In dual-in-breath mode, the ventilator switches from volume control to volume control, according to the patient's inspiratory effort and ability to reach the set minimum tidal volume, within the same breath. While the device is working in pressure support (PS) or pressure control (PC) mode in breathless dual control mode, with the operation of the feedback ring, it decreases or increases the pressure limit to provide the tidal volume set by the clinician.