
Debate about foster motherhood

Abbas Jedariforoughi*

Bispebjerg hospital, Denmark


Received Date: 11/02/2022; Published Date: 03/03/2022

orresponding author:  Abbas Jedariforoughi, Bispebjerg hospital, Denmark

DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2022.11.000262

Cite this article: Abbas Jedariforoughi*. Debate about foster motherhood.


Before discussing foster motherhood, it is necessary to get a basic understanding of the phenomena as well as the reasons for its significance or necessities. The debate about foster motherhood is important because, nowadays community experience increasing focus on new family structure such for example homosexual partners and their expectation to have their child with use of new fertility methods. Today, the WHO has recognized infertility as a disease, therefore wish to have child despite of traditional avoidance is a important and considerable challenge [1]. We already know that, homosexual marriage and new technologies for fertility is accepted. But there is uncertainty about commercial foster care. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to new consideration according to foster motherhood or commercial foster care.


Several articles regarding foster motherhood, particularly with business interests, have been written in the previous few years. I will attempt to evaluate them and analyze issues according to various ideas and scientific theories in this article. According to Danish law, the foster mother is considered the child's biological mother, however this is rarely the case today. The debate is whether Denmark's commercial foster care regulations should be changed. Or are there significant ethical grounds for not doing so?

The ban should be omitted.

The Council of Ethics finds commercial foster care problematic. At least that's how the official statement reads. But the council has not addressed the issue since 2013, and since the members sit for a maximum of six years, there is no one in the council today who was involved in speaking at the time. "Therefore, I can only speak on behalf of myself," says chairman of the Council of Ethics, Anne-Marie Axø Gerdes, and her position is different from the one presented in 2013: "I personally believe that commercial foster care should be reconsidered because today there is experience with more orderly conditions and new technological possibilities."

That said, Anne-Marie Axø Gerdes also believes that there are a large number of factors that are problematic in commercial foster care. Such an area can be considered in ethical viewpoints. Is it a habitual, normality or value issue? [2].

We expect nearly always hear about traditional family construction and can be new to think about increasing transsexual marriage and consequences. For example, how is legal aspects and moral vision about foster motherhood, if we talking about legal registered homosexual marriage and expectation about child and new type family form. Now I want to turn to the other viewpoints about this issue.

"She is reduced to a sheath."

When it comes to allowing commercial foster care, Jacob Birkler is generally on the 'no' side. He presents some thinkable points, but first underlines "that one can solve a problem but not a dilemma." And, according to Birkler, commercial foster care presents a conundrum. In the first instance, the contract entered into does not take into account the feelings of both the intended parents and the foster mother. Who is responsible if something goes wrong and the baby, for example, does not receive enough oxygen early in its life? Jacob Birkler cautions that it is not useful to dwell on the several examples of things going well. We must pay particularly close attention to the cases of things not going well, since it is always the child who ends up in trouble. The vast majority of agencies that provide commercial foster care promise thorough screenings of the women before they are approved as foster mothers to ensure they will not be exploited. The screening is rather aimed at ensuring a healthy and fit body for the child's benefit, say Yong Sun Gullach. we can look at issue with different method. Here can we read a citation from Einstein about

Perception and the individual perspective:

” A human being...experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest–a kind of optical delusion of the consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting

us to our personal desires and to affection

for a few persons nearest to us...Our task is to free ourselves from this prison ...” [3].

We can see, evaluation of such a dilemma needs a free view and an objectivity to understanding of our modern era new issues and necessities. According to Kant, it should be individual decision to accept or refuse commercial foster care but regarding to utilitarisme, should anyway attention to consequence of such issue.

In Aristotle's ethics, or study of character, he proposed that a person must achieve an excellent character as a first step to well-being. The four ethics principles: autonomy, beneficence, justice and nonmaleficence can help to better understanding of the new growing concept about foster care in commercial or noncommercial methods [4]. Context of the issue as i mentioned, acceptance of new method for be parent and move the boundary of normality’s and afterwards debate on change in the law regarding to foster motherhood.

Concern is change of definition for maternity can make uncertainty of motherhood respect. should we look at maternity such a commercial potency or not?


Consequence of foster motherhood in both side of viewpoints can be considerable. More depressed homo partner of increasing hidden or illicit solutions can be probable consequences. Conflict can be regarded if such forbidden rule be continued. Traditional, non-flexible viewpoints can harm new family structure because of missing opportunities to have a child. Religious viewpoint is well known to oppose nearly many new changes in social or community normality’s. Therefore, it is not surprising that foster motherhood is totally unacceptable and unnecessary in religion. Not a deal, but a cooperation, In the Dare Denmark organization, which is committed to complete equality for all families, people believe that commercial adoptive mothers are “remarkable” if they are structured properly. "All experience has shown that when it is carried out in orderly conditions and the correct precautions are taken, it is a wonderful way to start a family," said Chairman Mikkel Raahede.

Such a positive statement about adoptive maternity can make better illustration about reality and optimism about consequences and results. Finally, Can be difficult to change in national instructions and rules during short period of time, but increasing use of modern technologies and new forms of families can change traditional ideas and consequently rules.


  1. Leder V (2021) Infertilitet er en gammel sygdom med nye behandlingsmuligheder. Ugeskr Læger 183: V205103.
  2. Devettere RJ (2009) Practical decision making in health care ethics: Cases and concepts. Georgetown University Press.
  3. Einstein A (2012) Albert Einstein Quotes. Retrieved from Brainy Quote. com.
  4. Gillon R (1994) Medical ethics: four principles plus attention to scope. Bmj, 309(6948: 184.