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Health Systems Response to Covid -19 Pandemicity at Law & Middle Income Countries

Abdalla Abotaleb*

WHO Project Manager, Egypt

Received Date: 30/08/2020; Published Date: 08/09/2020

*Corresponding author: Abdalla Abotaleb, WHO Project Manager, Egypt

DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2020.04.000103

Cite this article: Abdalla Abotaleb*, Health Systems Response to Covid -19 Pandemicity at Law & Middle Income Countries. Op Acc J Bio Sci & Res 4(1)-2020.


Pandemicity of Covid- 19 was not expected from any health systems it did not matter if those systems were strong or weak that Pandemicity developed various responses and leaded to questions asked from all health care professionals like

1. Lessons learned from Covid 19 to health systems?

2. Analysis of health systems response to Covid Pandemicity?

3. Future of Health systems after Covid 19.


The objective of that research is trying to answer about the previous questions trying to find recommendations, solutions for the MENA regions countries through policy analysis for MENA health systems at the following aspects [1].

1. Health systems response capacity to pandemicity

2. Time for Response.

3. Surveillance polices response.

4. Infection control policies response


Integration between Analyses for local data for MENA countries& literature review for international standards plus international experiences for countries controlled and managed COVID – 19 Pandemicity the following frame work was developed (Tables 1-3).


Table 1

Table 2

Table 3


The following results were found (Figures 1-5).

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5


COVID -19 pandemic was not predicted from any health system it does not matter the nature of system is strong or weak. All systems faced the same Enemy but the response for that systems was not the same [2-4]. The objective of that research is Analysis response of different health systems to COVID -19 Pandemic through policy analysis tools in order to generate recommendations, sharing experiences for Enhancement different Health systems on facing, managing such kind of cases.


1. World Health Organization (2020) Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Situation.

2. Clinical guide for the management of non-coronavirus patients requiring acute treatment: Cancer 23 March 2020.

3. AGE Platform for Europe (2020) COVID-19: Older persons’ rights must be equally protected during the pandemic. Coronavirus COVID-19.

4. Carers UK (2020) Caring behind closed doors: Forgotten families in the coronavirus outbreak, Carers, london,UK.