
Future of Dentistry Due to COVID-19


Yash Sharma*

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Maharaja Ganga Singh Dental College, Rajasthan


Received Date: 11/06/2020; Published Date: 02/07/2020


*Corresponding author: Yesh Sharma, Postgraduate, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Maharaja Ganga Singh Dental College, Sriganganagar, Rajasthan

 DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2020.01.000048

Cite this article: Yesh Sharma, Future of Dentistry Due to COVID-19. Op Acc J Bio Sci & Res 2(4)-2020.


As we all know since a few months, we are facing the same dilemma or fear of COVID-19. The whole world is suffering from this viral infection, and according to the WHO, this virus hold a large number of family of other viruses too. Every sector whether medical, dental, sports, business or industries all are affected by this COVID-19. Still the count of getting infected is increasing day by day, many people lost their lives at early stage of their life or at late stage of their life. During this phase of COVID-19, many medical or dental professionals got infected while performing treatment or as a front line warriors. But due to COVID-19, situations won’t be the same as before, when we used to freely perform treatment and go for treating patient from one place to another, now we as a dentist are more at a risk from getting infected by this virus.

In dentistry, from now onwards we have to put more focus on isolation and prevention of spread of infection, otherwise it will be very difficult for dentist as well as for patient in future. Even dental students are at more risk in colleges or while doing their internship during this phase and it is impossible to shut down dental colleges also because it is necessary for needed patients too in rural area to be open.


The role of the dentist in the society for preventing and diagnosing dental infections should change from now onwards for the betterment of dentistry and the social welfare of human kind. From now, as dentists; we have to care from the initial stage of every case without leaving single detail of patient whether it is related to their medical history, dental history or past treatment history; mainly we have to add travel history from now because patient may get infections while travelling from these infected area. Patients with respiratory disease, conjunctivitis and cardiovascular diseases are more at risk because of COVID-19. Dentist or dental student should avoid contact with patients those who are having history of respiratory or cardial abnormalities.


We have to avoid dental treatments during this phase until unless there is an emergency like pain, trauma or swelling. Try giving medications and give appointments for normal dental treatments. While diagnosing please wash your hands after seeing every patient and avoid touching your face and eyes. From now onwards, we should strictly follow the protocol of using disposable surgical mask, rubber dam and high speed suction pump to avoid contamination of aerosols and saliva droplets while undergoing dental procedures followed by fumigation (70% ethanol or 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, 0.1% sodium hypochlorite) of working zone before and after dental procedures.


Awareness about COVID-19 should be provided with help the of social media aids or posters. At last, I just want to say that future of dentistry and our health depends on us; how seriously we are going to take this pandemic situation in our clinical practice and daily life.

Mechanical ventilators control either gas flow (volume control) or airway pressure (pressure control) for the inspiratory period. Dual control modes are designed to combine the constant minute ventilation of volume control ventilation and the fast variable current advantages of pressure control ventilation. All dual control modes provide pressure controlled breath using pressure limit and descending flow model. The volume produced varies depending on the patient's effort and pulmonary impedance. In the dual control mode, unlike the pressure control mode, the output is changed according to the measured input (volume). Dual control modes can be patient or time triggered, current or time cycled.


Dual Control modes allow you to set the volume target while the ventilator is pressure controlled breathing. In dual-in-breath mode, the ventilator switches from volume control to volume control, according to the patient's inspiratory effort and ability to reach the set minimum tidal volume, within the same breath. While the device is working in pressure support (PS) or pressure control (PC) mode in breathless dual control mode, with the operation of the feedback ring, it decreases or increases the pressure limit to provide the tidal volume set by the clinician.