Research Article
Phytochemical Investigation, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic Potential of Guiera Senegalensis Leaves Extracts
Hatim MY Hamadnalla*, Misry Adam Berma Hamas and Awad Abdelrahman Ishaq Adam
Department of Biochemistry, College of Applied Sciences, University of Bahri, Sudan
Received Date: 11/05/2020; Published Date: 03/06/2020
*Corresponding author: Hatim MY Hamadnalla, Department of Biochemistry, College of Applied Sciences, University of Bahri, Sudan
DOI: 10.46718/JBGSR.2020.01.000019
Cite this article: Hatim MY Hamadnalla, Phytochemical Investigation, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic Potential of Guiera Senegalensis Leaves Extracts. Op Acc J Bio Sci & Res 1(3)-2020.
The aim of the current study was to detect phytoconstituents present in Guiera Sengalensis extracts using biochemical tests and to evaluate antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-diabetic potential of the four leaves extracts of the plant using cup-plate diffusion method, DPPH free radical scavenging assay and glucose uptake in yeast cell assay. The plant showed the presence of alkaloid, flavonoid, tannins, sterol, saponin and glycosides. The ethanol extract showed high antimicrobial activity against E.coli with inhibition 30 mm at concentration 100 mg/ml. The plant showed good antioxidant activity with minimum radical scavenging activity 12.3% for petroleum ether extract and maximum activity 74.1% for methanol extract in comparison with standard propyl-gallate 77%. The methanolic extract showed good anti-diabetic activity with minimum increase 25.85 at 40ug/ml and maximum 58.3 at 80ug/ml glucose concentration. The result obtained revealed that this plant is very important from medicinal point of view.
Medicinal plants are an important part of our natural wealth. They are therapeutic agent as well as valuable raw materials for manufacturing numerous traditional and modern medicine. Plants that possess therapeutic properties or exert beneficial pharmacological effects on the human body are generally designated as medicinal plants. The medicinal plants have been used for treatment of illnesses and diseases, since the dawn of time. Researchers have found that people in different parts of the world tend to the same or similar plants for treating the same illnesses. Recently, World Health Organization (WHO) [1] estimated 80% of people worldwide rely on herbal medicines partially for their primary health care. Guiera Senegalensis locally named as Gabeish, are Semi-shrub up to 3-5 m tall with spindly bole or many branched from the base, all parts covered with black glandular dots, bark scaly, more or less smooth to finely scaly, grey to brown. Guiera Senegalensis widely distributes in the Savannah region of West and Central Africa in Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Chad, Mauritania and Sudan.
Guiera Senegalensis is one of the most popular West Africa medicinal plants, and is used to treat a wide variety of diseases. The plant leaves sometimes combined with other species, is drunk to treat dysentery, diarrhea, colic, gastroenteritis, beriberi, rheumatism, hypertension, eczema, epilepsy, leprosy, impotence, venereal diseases, malaria fever, cough, colds asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis. Guiera Senegalensis is belong to family Combretaceae, the previous phytochemical screening showed the presence of sterol, triterpenes, glycosides, flavonoid, alkaloid and tannins [2].
Materials and Methods
Plant collection and Identification
Guiera Senegalensis were collected by hand in October 2018 from West Kordofan State (Alnehwood) Susan. Than the plant was identified by herbarium of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Institute, National Centre for Research.
Plant preparations
Guiera Senegalensis leaves were dried in shadow; for 3 days then were grinded by using mortar, then plant were weight with electric balance.
The powered plant material (1kg) were weight and extracted successively with petroleum ether, chloroform, methanol and ethanol and yield percentage was calculated.
Phytochemical Screening
Phytochemical screening of four extracts of Guiera Senegalensis leaves was performed using standard procedures as described by Sofowora, Trease and Evans and Harborne [3-5].
a. Wagner ̓s test: To 2ml of extract, 1ml of Wagner’s reagent was added, the appearance of reddish brown precipitate indicates presence of alkaloid.
b. Hager’s: To 2ml of extract 1ml Hager ̓s reagent was added, the appearance of yellow precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloid.
c. Dragendroffs ̓s: To 2ml of extract, 1ml of Dragendroffs reagent was added the appearance of brick red precipitate indicates presence of alkaloid.
a. Ammonium solution test: To 2ml of filtrates 1ml of dilute ammonia solution 1% was added. The appearance of yellow color indicates presence of flavonoid.
b. Shinoda test: To 2ml of extract was dissolved in the ethanol then divided in to 2 test tube.
In the first test tube 1ml of sodium hydroxide 10% was added. The appearance of yellow color indicates the presence of flavonoid.
2.In the second test tube: 0.3g of magnesium powder, 5 drops of HCl was added then heated in water bath for 10 minutes the red or pink color was formed indicates the presence of flavonoid.
a. Ferric chloride test: To 2ml of extract dissolved in ethanol then 0.5 ml of ferric chloride 5% was added. The blue-black color indicates the presence of tannins.
b. Legal test: 2ml of extract 0.3ml of lead acetate solution was added creamy gelatinous precipitates indicate the presence of tannins.
killer-killiani test: 2ml of extract 1ml of glacial acetic acid 3 drops 5% Ferric chloride and concentrated suphuric acid were added. The reddish brown color at the junction of two layers and bluish green in upper layer indicates the presence of glycosides.
Foam test: The extracts was diluted with 2ml of distilled water and shaken vigorously and observed for persistent foam, which indicates the presence of saponin.
Terpenoids and sterols:
a. Salkowaski test: To 2ml of extract, 2ml chloroform and concentrated sulphuric acid was added, shaken and allow to stand. Appearance of greenish blue color indicates the presence of terpenoids and sterols.
b. Liebermann bur chard test: To 2ml of methanolic plant extract mix with chloroform, 1-2 ml of acetic anhydride was added. Then 2 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid was added from the sides of test tube, appearance of greenish blue color indicates the presence of terpenoids and sterols.
Antimicrobial Activity Test
Cup plate diffusion method
or hole diffusion method as modified by Ali was the standard method used to determine the antibacterial and antifungal activity of the bioactive compounds. Solving Briefly in this method: sterile nutrient agar powder was prepared by dissolving 12 agar in 250ml distilled water, boiled to ensure complete dissolution and sterilized at 121 °C for 30 minutes and dispensed in to labeled petri-dishes and allowed to gel. The sterile agar plates were inoculated with the test culture by surface spreading uses wing 6 mm sterile cork borer. 0.2 g of each crude extracts was weighed in to sample bottles and dissolved in to 100ul of DMSO and then the concentration 100 mg/ml, 50mg/ml, 25mg/ml,12.5mg/l were sterilized dilution by DMSO and 5ul of DMSO was used for positive control. The agar was inoculated with the test organism using a sterile swab stick before incubating at 37 °C for 24 hours. Zones of inhibition were determined by measuring the diameter of inhibition zone around the well in mm including the well diameter.
Free radical scavenging procedure (DPPH)
This method was carried out according to that described by Shyur with some modifications stock solution was prepared by dissolving 1 mg of the sample in 1 ml of absolute ethanol (98%). Stock solution was diluted to final concentration 100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, in ethanol. 0.9ml tris-HCl and 1ml of 0.1 mm DPPH in methanol solution were added to each concentration and incubated at room temperature in dark for 30 minutes [6-8]. The absorbance of the resulting mixture was measured at 517 nm and converted to percentage antioxidant activity using formula below:
Scavenging activity (%) = A control – A sample x 100
A control
Anti-diabetic activity
The anti-diabetic activity of extract was measured on the basis of glucose uptake in yeast cell method. Commercial baker’s yeast was dissolved in distilled was waster it was kept overnight at room temperature the yeast cell suspension was washed by centrifugation at 2400 rpm in distilled water for 5 minutes. The process wall was repeated again and again until clear supernatant fluid was obtained. 1% suspension of yeast cells with distilled water was prepared 5 ml glucose solution was prepared in distilled water 1 mg of the extract was dissolved in DMSO before stock solution various concentration( 10,20,40,60,80ug) in DMSO. 1ml glucose and 100ul of yeast was used to prepare reaction mixture was cortexes and incubated further for 60 minutes at 37 °C, after one hour of incubation of the reaction mixture the tubes were centrifuge for 5 minutes at 3800 rpm. Glucose left behind in the supernatant was estimated by measuring the absorbance via spectrophotometer at 520 nm. The percentage increase in uptake was calculated by formula:
%increase in glucose = A control – A sample ˟ 100
A control
Results and Discussion
Table 1: Phytochemical Screening of Guiera Senegalensis.
The importance of the change preparation stage is emphasized in all publications on change management. Referring to the principles of efficient operation, it can be said that the stage of preparing changes creates a favorable practical basis for implementing changes. Characterizing this stage in the change management procedure, one can mention the slogan of T. Kotarbiński good work. He wrote that the password is. addressed primarily not only to technical devices, but to all entities using them. It demands a brave attitude and efficient organization of the work of both individuals and teams: that it should be done diligently and vigorously, that it should be acted on, that earlier work would be a good preparation of later work, that there would be neither downtime nor meshing, that efforts would not go on miserable but on the contrary, they merged together as effectively as possible " [15].
The majority of surveys of participants in changes in healthcare organizations show that the changes have not been properly prepared. The respondents' opinions on this subject are presented in
Table 2: Guiera Senegalensis antimicrobial activity.
Table 3: Guiera Senegalensis antioxidant activity.
Antioxidant activity
The four extracts of Guiera Senegalensis were subjected to DPPH free radical scavenging assay to evaluate their antioxidant activities with reference the propyl-gallate (Table 3). The result obtained showed that Guiera methanol extract has a good activity with %RSA 74.1% in comparison with reference %RSA 77%.
Table 4: Guiera Senegalensis anti-diabetic activity.
Anti-diabetic activity
The evaluation of antidiabetic potential of medicinal plant can be exposed in vitro by a number of procedures such as study of glucose uptake, inhibition of alpha amylase, alpha glycosidase enzymes and effect on glycoslation of hemoglobin. For assessing the hypoglycemic properties of different medicinal plants the method of glucose transport through the yeast cell membrane has been achieved an outstanding importance as an in vitro screening method. The result revealed that methanolic extract of Guiera Senegalensis has good antidiabetic activity.
Guiera Senegalensis leaves extracts were subjected to antimicrobial assay using cup plate diffusion method. The plant also subjected to antioxidant scavenging assay using yeast cell method. All these activities belong to class of phytoconstituents present in the plant. Which confirmed the uses of plant in folk medicine.
1. WHO (2004) Return to Nature. Technical report, WHO, Geneva.
2. El-Ghazali GEB, El-Tohami MS (1997) Medicinal plants of the Sudan part IV. Medicinal plants Northern Kordofan. National Centre for Research, Khartoum, Sudan.
3. Sofora A (1993) Medicinal plants and Traditional Medicine in Africa. John Wiley and Son Ltd.pp. 150-153.
4. Trease GE, Evans WC (1989) Pharmacology, (11th edn), Brailliar Tiridel and Macmillian publishers London, UK.
5. Herborne JB (1973) Phytochemical Methods (3rd edn), D.E. and Hall London, UK, pp. 135-203.
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